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Big Data Deliver Big Benefits

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Big Data Deliver Big Benefits



Studies predict there will be 40 exabytes of data by 2020. As the volume of data grows, data analytics will become increasingly important in shaping the future of federal agency policies and services.

To get the most from big data analytics—and to make these, and other far-reaching agency initiatives possible—federal agencies need better analytics. Collecting data means little if analytics are not in place, or the existing tools don’t have the ability to extrapolate actionable insights. Many agency department managers don’t realize how many staff hours go into managing this data, or how much information is not being used because the data is outdated by the time it is compiled or because the tools being used can’t access all of the insights.

Given the importance of robust data analytics solutions, data analytics company Qlik commissioned government market research firm Market Connections, Inc. to assess how federal agencies are using analytics, and to what extent.

Fill out the form below to download the infographics and access the survey results via Qlik’s online data application.

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Big Data Deliver Big Benefits


  • Agency data professionals’ top concerns about data analytic tools
  • The number of different data sources federal agencies use to collect, manage and analyze data
  • The correlation between the number of data sources in use and the number of manual hours federal personnel spend collecting data